Volatility describes how much an investment bounces around in price. More volatile investments zigzag in price more dramatically, while less volatile investments show smoother price changes.
Learn moreExchange-traded funds (ETFs) are investment vehicles similar to mutual funds. Like mutual funds, ETFs are professionally managed...
Learn moreCredit is, simply put, your financial reputation. Your credit history describes your record as a borrower, including...
Learn moreThe most powerful force in the universe is compound interest. — Albert Einstein
Learn moreBudgeting can be a lot like dieting. You start out with big hopes for dramatic changes in...
Learn moreAn emergency fund is your stash of just-in-case money. Along with your insurance coverage, it’s a vital...
Learn moreRisk tolerance describes how much risk you can (or should) be taking on with your investments. Investing...
Learn moreA Roth IRA, or Individual Retirement Account, is one of the most common types of retirement savings...
Learn moreYour credit report is a detailed history of your past use of credit. It’s a bit like...
Learn moreLike many good habits, saving more money is easier said than done. Once you’ve gotten into a...
Learn moreCash alternatives are investment types that you can consider as alternatives to simply holding money in your...
Learn moreCredit card debt can be overwhelming. As interest accrues, your balances may keep increasing even if you’re...
Learn moreActive and index investing are two different ways of choosing individual investments. With active investing, investors try...
Learn moreFICO and VantageScore are two of the most common credit scoring models. Contrary to popular belief, you...
Learn moreAn estate tax is an amount that may be paid from your assets to the government after...
Learn moreGrowth and value investing are two different approaches to investing in stocks. Growth investors aim to invest...
Learn moreThe price-to-earnings ratio (or P/E ratio) is a way to evaluate whether a company’s stock is cheap,...
Learn moreTerm and permanent policies are the two main types of life insurance. With both types of policies,...
Learn moreTechnical analysis means using stock price charts to try to predict future stock price movements. It involves...
Learn moreHMOs and PPOs are two different types of health insurance plans. HMO (or Health Maintenance Organization) plans...
Learn moreIt might seem like there’s only one way to pay down your student loans (namely: slowly, painfully,...
Learn moreRetirement may seem like an abstract, far-off goal (unless you’re already independently wealthy or a 401(k) ninja,...
Learn moreGame theory is an economic model for predicting people’s decisions in tricky situations.
Learn moreFinancial aid can refer to any of a number of types of assistance that help students afford...
Learn moreUnemployment insurance is a government program that gives you money if you lose your job. Sometimes, life...
Learn moreESG investing means investing in companies that do good (or at least don’t actively do harm). With...
Learn moreA business plan is a document that outlines your vision for your business. It describes your big-picture...
Learn morePaying down debt can make you more financially secure and give you more flexibility when deciding what...
Learn moreVenture capital (or “VC” for short) is a type of financing for startup companies. Venture capitalists invest...
Learn moreA target-date fund is an investment fund that’s based on your expected retirement date. These mutual funds...
Learn moreMarket capitalization (or just “market cap”) is a measure of a company’s total value. If you ever...
Learn moreMedicare is a health insurance program for retirees that is sponsored by the federal government. It is...
Learn morePersonal income tax is money the government collects from people based on how much they earned or...
Learn moreSBA-guaranteed loans (or just “SBA loans”) are business loans backed by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)....
Learn moreA rollover is when you move funds from one retirement account into another, such as from a...
Learn moreA company’s value is the dollar figure that it might sell for if a person or another...
Learn moreBanks, lenders, and others use your credit report and scores to determine your creditworthiness. In other words,...
Learn moreA corporation is one type of formal business structure that entrepreneurs can choose to use when starting...
Learn moreBuying a house is one of the biggest steps you can take in your life. But it’s...
Learn moreA futures contract is an agreement to buy a specific investment at an agreed-upon price on an...
Learn moreThe foreign exchange, or forex, markets are where investors go to buy and sell currencies. Unlike the...
Learn moreFHA loans are a type of mortgage loan that’s available to people who might not qualify for...
Learn moreBalance transfers are a way to move what you owe on one (or more) credit cards and...
Learn moreIf you’re a contractor, saving for retirement can be much more complicated than it is for employees....
Learn moreHealth care FSAs and HSAs let you save money for out-of-pocket medical expenses (basically the things your...
Learn moreFinancial advisors are experts who can provide financial advice and help you manage your money. Some people...
Learn moreFinancial planning describes the process of mastering your money. It means figuring out where you actually are...
Learn moreE-filing means filing your taxes online. You’ll still need all the same documents you’d use to file...
Learn more“Asset allocation” is a way of describing what you own in percentage terms. If you’ve got $1,000...
Learn moreAn ICO, or Initial Coin Offering, is a way for startups to raise money by inventing and...
Learn moreIRAs and 401(k)s are two popular types of retirement savings accounts. Most people who work in the...
Learn moreEntrepreneurship is building a new business from the ground up. It means coming up with an idea...
Learn moreA budget is a plan you can use to better manage your spending and saving. When you...
Learn moreDebt is money that you owe to another person or a financial institution. When you borrow money,...
Learn moreInflation is when prices of things rise over time. For example, in 1980 you could buy a...
Learn moreA credit card lets you buy now and pay later, all without the hassle of counting out...
Learn moreBanks are institutions that take deposits, cash checks, and make loans. They are essentially home bases for...
Learn moreTax deductions, such as for donations to charity or interest on student loans, are amounts that you...
Learn moreDiversification is the practice of dividing your money among lots of different types of investments. It’s the...
Learn moreCryptocurrency is digital money that can be sent electronically anywhere in the world.
Learn moreKnow how self-help gurus are always talking about “finding the balance” in your personal life? That same...
Learn moreA trust is a legal agreement allowing one person to transfer their assets to someone else via...
Learn moreBitcoin is the world’s first type of digital money, or cryptocurrency. Unlike traditional paper money, Bitcoin only...
Learn moreWall Street may be a bit of a rodeo, but there are no literal bulls or bears....
Learn moreA 529 plan is a tax-advantaged college savings account sponsored by a state government or education institution....
Learn moreSavings are funds that you put aside and don’t spend. Life can be full of surprises, both...
Learn moreInterest is the cost of borrowing money. For a borrower, interest is the price of taking on...
Learn moreGross domestic product, or GDP, measures the size of an economy. In essence, it puts a dollar...
Learn moreA company is at its break-even point when its revenue equals its expenses. It is neither making...
Learn moreThe internal rate of return, or IRR, is a measure of an investment’s or a project’s profitability....
Learn morePrivate equity is money invested directly into a private company. Private equity funds pool money from many...
Learn moreCrowdfunding is a way to raise money from many people, thanks to the power of the Internet....
Learn moreA robo-advisor is an investment management company that uses a computer program instead of a live human...
Learn moreLong-term care insurance is a policy that helps cover the cost of assistance with daily activities if...
Learn moreA municipal bond, or muni bond, is a type of bond issued by a state or local...
Learn moreA charitable remainder trust is a financial tool that can provide a steady source of income while...
Learn moreTax loss harvesting is a trading strategy investors can use to try to reduce their taxes. It’s...
Learn moreCollateral is something that a borrower pledges to a lender to secure certain types of loans. If...
Learn moreIf something you own goes up in value and you sell it, then you’ve made a profit....
Learn moreCarried interest is a share of a private equity or hedge fund’s profits that is paid to...
Learn moreA Last Will and Testament, or “will” for short, is a legal document that lets you transfer...
Learn moreBlockchain is the recordkeeping technology that serves as the foundation for Bitcoin and some other types of...
Learn moreSaving for college means setting aside funds for education expenses. It means making a dedicated investment in...
Learn moreAn annual percentage rate (APR) represents the annual cost of borrowing money, including fees. Because the APR...
Learn moreThe Standard & Poor’s 500 Index—also known as the S&P 500, or just the S&P—is an index...
Learn moreA business insurance policy is a contract between an insurance company and a business. In exchange for...
Learn moreA dividend is a portion of a company’s profits that is paid to its shareholders in the...
Learn moreAn option is the right, but not obligation, to buy or sell an investment at a specific...
Learn moreA “title” is a document listing the legal owner of a piece of property. Title insurance protects...
Learn moreThe choice between renting or buying a home may be one of the biggest decisions you make...
Learn moreEarnings per share (EPS) is a financial metric that helps investors evaluate a company’s profitability. It’s calculated...
Learn moreEstate planning is the process of figuring out what will happen to your stuff after you die....
Learn moreAn index fund is a professionally managed collection of stocks, bonds, or other investments that tries to...
Learn moreForeclosure is a legal process that lets a lender seize possession of a house or other real...
Learn moreAlthough you might hear the phrase “your credit score” tossed around, you actually have multiple credit scores—potentially...
Learn moreCar insurance is an agreement between you and an insurance provider. In exchange for regular payments from...
Learn moreA prepaid card lets you spend money that you’ve already added to the card. It’s similar to...
Learn moreA reverse mortgage is exactly what it sounds like: instead of paying down a mortgage balance every...
Learn moreA deductible is the amount of money you must spend out of pocket before your insurance company...
Learn moreFixed and variable costs are types of expenses that businesses pay in order to operate.
Learn moreA convertible note is a type of short-term loan for a business. However, instead of being repaid...
Learn moreEquity is ownership. You can have equity—or an ownership stake—in any asset, meaning anything of value.
Learn moreIf you pay more than your fair share in taxes over the course of a year, you’re...
Learn moreLiquidity refers to how easily you can sell an investment or asset at a fair price.
Learn moreReturn on investment, or ROI, is a ratio for measuring the profitability of an investment. It puts...
Learn moreYour credit report and credit scores describe whether you have a good track record of repaying borrowed...
Learn moreAn IPO, or initial public offering, is when a company’s shares start trading on a stock exchange...
Learn moreA mutual fund is a professionally managed fund that pools lots of investors’ money in order to...
Learn moreInterest is what a lender charges you to borrow money. It is usually expressed as a percentage...
Learn moreAll investments come with risk. With financial investments, risk is usually tied to reward. That means investments...
Learn moreBonds are essentially IOUs. When you buy a bond, you become a lender to whatever entity issued...
Learn moreThe rule of 72 is an easy, back-of-the-napkin way to figure out how long it will take...
Learn morePhilanthropy is giving back. It’s paying forward the resources you have—whether your money, or physical goods, or...
Learn moreA fiduciary duty is a legal obligation to act in another person’s best interest.
Learn moreA trustee can be an institution or an individual that is given the power to manage and...
Learn moreTax withholding is money your employer takes out of your paycheck each pay period. Your employer then...
Learn moreHedge funds are investment funds that pool many investors’ money and then hire one or more professional...
Learn moreRefinancing is getting a new loan to replace an old one. Borrowers usually refinance in order to...
Learn moreEBITDA (pronounced “ee-bit-tah”) stands for “earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization.” It’s one measure of a...
Learn moreEscrow is an arrangement in which a trusted third party temporarily holds onto some kind of asset,...
Learn moreCredit is money that’s available to you to borrow whether through a credit card, mortgage, car loan,...
Learn moreA company’s profit margin measures the portion of its total sales that it gets to keep as...
Learn moreWhen you need a car, you have two options: buy or lease. If you buy a car,...
Learn moreThe stock market is the collection of physical and electronic markets where buyers and sellers come together...
Learn moreCertificates of Deposit, or CDs, are low-risk investments that pay interest. You can think of them as...
Learn moreIf you’re trying to get a start-up off the ground, chances are you’ll need some cash to...
Learn moreAn annuity is a series of regular payments made over a set period of time. Annuities can...
Learn moreA real estate investment trust, or REIT, is a company that owns, manages, or finances real estate....
Learn moreAn appraisal is an estimate of how much something is worth. People may get appraisals for real...
Learn moreA power of attorney is a document you can create if you want to give someone else...
Learn moreShort selling is a way to bet that a stock will fall in price. Normally, an investor...
Learn moreA mortgage is a type of loan that people use to help them buy a house or...
Learn more1099s and W-2s are both types of tax forms. If you’re a contractor, you should receive one...
Learn moreThe W-2 is a tax form your employer must complete at the start of each year to...
Learn moreInsurance is financial protection. Along with your emergency fund, insurance makes up your safety net so that...
Learn moreSocial Security is a government program that takes in taxpayer dollars and pays out benefits to older...
Learn moreMost people pay taxes throughout the year. When you file a tax return, you calculate how much...
Learn moreA trust is a legal document that allows a person (the trustee) to hold the assets of...
Learn moreInvesting is putting your money to work in the hopes of earning a return. You probably already...
Learn moreOpportunity cost is the return or benefit you miss out on by choosing one option over the...
Learn moreA student loan can be any kind of borrowed money that’s used to pay for education. Although...
Learn moreThe Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA, is a form that college and grad students...
Learn moreGoing to college can lead to better jobs and bigger paychecks. But it comes at a high...
Learn moreAlthough plenty of start-ups fail, the ones that succeed can do so wildly. Beyond a financial payoff,...
Learn moreStocks are pieces of ownership in companies. If you bought one stock of, say, Amazon, and Amazon...
Learn moreAn independent contractor is someone who is self-employed and works for clients as a nonemployee. Independent contractors...
Learn moreA blue chip is a company that is financially sound and well established. These companies usually sell...
Learn more“Securities” is the term used to describe stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other types of financial investments....
Learn moreLife insurance is a contract with an insurance company. In exchange for periodic payments, the insurance company...
Learn moreBuying real estate—whether on your own or by pooling your resources with other investors—is one possible way...
Learn moreAn asset class is a group of similar kinds of investments. It’s a generalization, not a detailed...
Learn more