Debt is money that you owe to another person or a financial institution. When you borrow money, you typically agree to pay it back over a certain period of time—called the loan’s term. And you usually have to pay interest in addition to the original amount you borrowed.
Learn moreAn emergency fund is your stash of just-in-case money. Along with your insurance coverage, it’s a vital...
Learn moreLike many good habits, saving more money is easier said than done. Once you’ve gotten into a...
Learn moreIt might seem like there’s only one way to pay down your student loans (namely: slowly, painfully,...
Learn moreFinancial aid can refer to any of a number of types of assistance that help students afford...
Learn moreA budget is a plan you can use to better manage your spending and saving. When you...
Learn moreA 529 plan is a tax-advantaged college savings account sponsored by a state government or education institution....
Learn moreSavings are funds that you put aside and don’t spend. Life can be full of surprises, both...
Learn moreSaving for college means setting aside funds for education expenses. It means making a dedicated investment in...
Learn moreA prepaid card lets you spend money that you’ve already added to the card. It’s similar to...
Learn moreA student loan can be any kind of borrowed money that’s used to pay for education. Although...
Learn moreThe Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA, is a form that college and grad students...
Learn moreGoing to college can lead to better jobs and bigger paychecks. But it comes at a high...
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