The “invisible hand” is an economic theory developed by Adam Smith. It proposes that when people act in their self-interest it unintentionally benefits society at large. In a capitalist economy, an invisible hand guides everyone’s actions toward the one that will benefit society the most (or so the theory goes).
Learn moreVolatility describes how much an investment bounces around in price. More volatile investments zigzag in price more...
Learn moreThe price-to-earnings ratio (or P/E ratio) is a way to evaluate whether a company’s stock is cheap,...
Learn moreQuantitative easing is when the Fed (or another country’s central bank) buys up large amounts of bonds....
Learn moreGame theory is an economic model for predicting people’s decisions in tricky situations.
Learn moreFiscal and monetary policy are two tools the U.S. government can use to help the economy stay...
Learn moreA recession is an economic downturn that lasts for at least several months and ripples throughout the...
Learn moreCampaign finance describes the way political candidates raise and spend money to run for office.
Learn moreA company’s value is the dollar figure that it might sell for if a person or another...
Learn moreA futures contract is an agreement to buy a specific investment at an agreed-upon price on an...
Learn moreThe foreign exchange, or forex, markets are where investors go to buy and sell currencies. Unlike the...
Learn moreAn NFT, or non-fungible token, is a code that says you own a unique digital item.
Learn moreInflation is when prices of things rise over time. For example, in 1980 you could buy a...
Learn moreA tariff is a tax charged on goods coming into or out of a country. When a...
Learn moreCryptocurrency is digital money that can be sent electronically anywhere in the world.
Learn moreBitcoin is the world’s first type of digital money, or cryptocurrency. Unlike traditional paper money, Bitcoin only...
Learn moreWall Street may be a bit of a rodeo, but there are no literal bulls or bears....
Learn moreGross domestic product, or GDP, measures the size of an economy. In essence, it puts a dollar...
Learn moreA company is at its break-even point when its revenue equals its expenses. It is neither making...
Learn moreThe internal rate of return, or IRR, is a measure of an investment’s or a project’s profitability....
Learn moreFinancial statements are reports a company puts together to measure how it’s doing. Companies create their financial...
Learn moreA profit and loss statement, or income statement, shows the money a company earned and what it...
Learn moreRemittances, also known as remittance transfers or international wires, are when someone in one country sends money...
Learn moreOverhead refers to the expenses a business must pay just to stay open. Also known as “indirect...
Learn moreBlockchain is the recordkeeping technology that serves as the foundation for Bitcoin and some other types of...
Learn moreBankruptcy is the legal process for consumers or businesses to get help with their debt. Bankruptcy starts...
Learn moreAn option is the right, but not obligation, to buy or sell an investment at a specific...
Learn moreA recession refers to a time when the economy shrinks instead of grows. More specifically, economists typically...
Learn moreFixed and variable costs are types of expenses that businesses pay in order to operate.
Learn moreEquity is ownership. You can have equity—or an ownership stake—in any asset, meaning anything of value.
Learn moreLiquidity refers to how easily you can sell an investment or asset at a fair price.
Learn moreReturn on investment, or ROI, is a ratio for measuring the profitability of an investment. It puts...
Learn moreA balance sheet is a snapshot of financial health, showing what a company or person owns and...
Learn moreCurrency is anything that people use to store value or trade for goods or services. Currency can...
Learn moreCommodities are raw materials. They are the inputs, or ingredients, that are used to make most of...
Learn moreA fiduciary duty is a legal obligation to act in another person’s best interest.
Learn moreEconomies of scale occur when it’s cheaper to produce a lot of something than it is to...
Learn moreEBITDA (pronounced “ee-bit-tah”) stands for “earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization.” It’s one measure of a...
Learn moreA company’s profit margin measures the portion of its total sales that it gets to keep as...
Learn moreA liability is something that will require you (or a company) to spend money or resources in...
Learn moreThe Fed is the central bank of the U.S. Its overarching role is to make sure that...
Learn moreOpportunity cost is the return or benefit you miss out on by choosing one option over the...
Learn moreDepreciation is a physical asset’s loss of value over time. Just as your once new car is...
Learn more“Securities” is the term used to describe stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other types of financial investments....
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