Life Events – Starting A Family – Napkin Finance

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Emergency Fund

Cash Cushion

An emergency fund is your stash of just-in-case money. Along with your insurance coverage, it’s a vital...

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Roth IRAs

Road to Retirement

A Roth IRA, or Individual Retirement Account, is one of the most common types of retirement savings...

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Credit Report

Good Marks

Your credit report is a detailed history of your past use of credit. It’s a bit like...

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How to Save More Money

Keep the Change

Like many good habits, saving more money is easier said than done. Once you’ve gotten into a...

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Getting Out of Credit Card Debt

Pay the Piper

Credit card debt can be overwhelming. As interest accrues, your balances may keep increasing even if you’re...

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Term vs. Permanent Life Insurance

Life Sentence

Term and permanent policies are the two main types of life insurance. With both types of policies,...

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Bill of Health

HMOs and PPOs are two different types of health insurance plans. HMO (or Health Maintenance Organization) plans...

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Sticking to a Budget

In It to Win It

Budgeting can be a lot like dieting. You start out with big hopes for dramatic changes in...

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Financial Aid

Lean on Me

Financial aid can refer to any of a number of types of assistance that help students afford...

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Paying Down Debt

Get Low

Paying down debt can make you more financially secure and give you more flexibility when deciding what...

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Balance Transfers

Shell Game

Balance transfers are a way to move what you owe on one (or more) credit cards and...

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FSAs vs. HSAs

Health is Wealth

Health care FSAs and HSAs let you save money for out-of-pocket medical expenses (basically the things your...

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Financial Planning

Ducks in a Row

Financial planning describes the process of mastering your money. It means figuring out where you actually are...

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IRA vs. 401(k)

Nest Eggs

IRAs and 401(k)s are two popular types of retirement savings accounts. Most people who work in the...

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529 Plan

Higher Ed, Higher Returns

A 529 plan is a tax-advantaged college savings account sponsored by a state government or education institution....

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A robo-advisor is an investment management company that uses a computer program instead of a live human...

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Saving for College

Pay Your Dues

Saving for college means setting aside funds for education expenses. It means making a dedicated investment in...

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Cover Your Assets

Insurance is financial protection. Along with your emergency fund, insurance makes up your safety net so that...

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Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are investment vehicles similar to mutual funds. Like mutual funds, ETFs are professionally managed...

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Student Loans

Old College Try

A student loan can be any kind of borrowed money that’s used to pay for education. Although...

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Aid and Abet

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA, is a form that college and grad students...

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Paying for College

Higher Education, Higher Costs

Going to college can lead to better jobs and bigger paychecks. But it comes at a high...

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Life Insurance

Beyond the Veil

Life insurance is a contract with an insurance company. In exchange for periodic payments, the insurance company...

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